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DZL series biomass-fired horizontal type steam boiler

DZL series biomass-fired horizontal type steam boiler

  • Thermal capacity: 15-40 t/h
  • Working pressure: 1.25 MPa / 1.6 MPa / 2.5 MPa
  • Available fuel: Biomass pellets, rice husks, wood chips, palm shells, sawdust, etc.
  • Available industries: Heating, chemical, food, tobacco, textile, printing and dyeing, feed, pharmaceutical, building materials, brewing, rubber, hospitals.
Product introduction
The DZL series third-generation biomass boiler is a water tube boiler composed of three drums. It is independently developed by ZOZEN Boiler and has independent intellectual property rights. The boiler adopts a modular structure, consisting of two large components, the upper and lower parts.
DZL series biomass-fired horizontal type steam boiler

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